NCR members: Invitation for the NCR Regional Council have been sent! Deadline for submitting your interest is February 28. Please do it. Read why.
NCR Members: Your Voice, Your Vote, Your Future! Happening now.
ATTENTION, PIPSC Members in the National Capital Region (NCR) - Action Item for You!
By now, you all should have received an email from PIPSC with the Call for Delegates for the NCR Regional Council. It was sent on February 11, 2025, and looks like the one shown in image below (see the full text in the Appendix).
If you have not received this email, contact PIPSC immediately to ensure you do! The easiest way is to call 613-228-6310 / 1-800-267-0446 and ask the receptionist for assistance.
For those unfamiliar with how the Union operates (as I was for many years—until I attended last year, which led to my election to the NCR Executive Board), the NCR Regional Council is the most important event of the year for all matters related to the regional operation of the Union.
Why Is This Important?
This is where NCR executives are elected—the people who will make decisions on your behalf. Examples from last year’s decisions include:
Whether to support increasing membership dues or not (I was the only NCR executive who opposed it).
Whether to sponsor the LGBTQ2+ ($2K expense) or not (I was the only one who opposed it, especially in light of the dues increase).
Whether to address the impact of vaccination mandates or not (my motion was not even seconded).
Whether to make executive meeting minutes more detailed and available to members or not (My motion was not even seconded—you can read all submitted motions on my portal).
And most importantly, whether to change how NCR Executives are elected or not. (Currently, NCR executives are elected through in-person voting, where only NCR Council delegates, which is less than 1% of eligible NCR members, selected by the existing NCR Executives, can vote. Last month, I moved a motion recommending switching to the electronic voting, as done in the national elections, to allow all 35,000+ eligible NCR members to vote. This motion however was defeated 5 to 3, indicating that majority of the NCR Executives are happy with the status-quo. — You can read all details about this effort on my portal and next article.)
This is also where resolutions are voted on, including those that some concerned members (including myself) are currently preparing—on Electoral Reform, Transparency, and Fiscal Responsibility, and others.
What You Need to Do
If you want real positive change in PIPSC, you need to get involved. No excuses!
Complete the online registration form that was sent to you by email to indicate your interest in attending the NCR Council. Registration closes on February 28, 2025.
Don’t let others decide for you. Be part of the solution. Make your voice heard and help bring real change to PIPSC!
What Happens Next?
2. And if you ARE selected as a delegate, then - when it’s time to vote - vote for candidates who need to be elected and vote for resolutions that need to be approved for the positive changes within the Union to happen. You will not which ones, when time comes.
In either case, please contact me so your efforts can merge with effort of many other concerned members.
What Happens Next?
If you are NOT selected as a delegate (which is likely, as most available spots for the NCR Council will be filled by the existing NCR Executive network—comprising 16 branches, each having about 10 executives, plus 2-3 stewards per agency), you can:
Add your name to the growing list of members who were not selected, further highlighting the need for Electoral Reform.
Request a written explanation for why you were denied a delegate spot—especially since every member should have a vote in Executive elections. This will add additional pressure on the NCR Executive to address the issue.
If you ARE selected as a delegate, when it’s time to vote:
Vote for candidates who support transparency and accountability.
Support resolutions that promote positive change within the Union. You’ll know which ones when the time comes.
In either case, please contact me so we can align efforts with other concerned members working toward reform:
My contacts:
Tel/text/whatsup: 613 355 9975
Email with the Call for Delegates for the NCR Council
You may find some details in this invitation particularly interesting, especially if you have never attended any of these Union events yourself—such as salary compensation, meal and hotel allowances, etc. The Hilton Casino Lac-Leamy Hotel, where the NCR Council is held over two days, is one of the most luxurious hotels in the National Capital Region. Check it out here.
The food is also excellent, with options to accommodate all dietary needs. But this is not as important as your ability to influence the decision making within your Union.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Monica Schoeni
Date: Tue., Feb. 11, 2025, 06:13
Subject: Invitation to the NCR Regional Council- APR2025/ Conseil régional AVR2025
To: Dmitry Gorodnichy <>
NCR Regional Council 2025 Call for Delegates- April 4 & 5,2025
The National Capital Region (NCR) Regional Council will be held in a hybrid form (In-person and virtually) on April 4th from 12 PM - 5 PM & April 5th 9 AM- 5 PM.
The NCR Regional Council is the governing body for the NCR in PIPSC. It is where members-at-large in the NCR are elected, amendments to the NCR Constitution are passed and the NCR Budget is approved.
Please complete the online registration form at the end of the invitation to indicate your interest.
Registration closes February 28th, 2025 11:59 PM
Registration requests will not be accepted by telephone or by email.
Once you have applied, your individual Branch Executives will review all their applications and provide a delegate list to the NCR Executive.
You will receive confirmation of your Delegate status by end of day March 14th, 2025.
All material for the Council will be posted on the NCR Virtual Binder. Documents will be added as we receive them. An email will be sent to delegates advising them when the Virtual Binder is ready.
Registration: Friday, April 4th 12:00 PM
Lunch: Friday, April 4th 12:00 PM
Council Start: Friday, April 4th 1:00 PM
Council Recess: Friday, April 4th 5:00 PM
Reception: Friday, April 4th 8:00 PM
Council Start: Saturday, April 5th 9:00 AM
Council Finish: Saturday, April 5th 5:00 PM
It is mandatory that all proposed changes to the NCR By-Laws and Regulations be signed by two members and sent to by March 5th, 2025 before the Council.
By-Law amendments by resolution from the floor of the Council shall not be permitted. Any resolutions submitted from the floor will be dealt with once all other business has been completed.
This year there are four positions that are open for election. The four (4) positions are for a two (2) year term. Nominations for candidates to the positions will be taken from the floor during the Regional Council.
If you plan to run for office and you are subsequently elected, you will be expected to meet as an executive at 16:30 after the Council.
You are encouraged to send any proposed Resolutions to the PIPSC AGM, to be sponsored by the Region from the NCR Council, to the NCR By-Laws Committee by March 5th, 2025, for review and possible suggestions for changes to wording to clarify them before submission to the NCR Council. Submit them to .
Hilton Lac-Leamy Hotel
3 Boulevard du Casino
Gatineau-Ottawa, QC J8Y 6X4
Tel: (819) 790-6444
Fax: 1-819-790-6408
We have implemented the following changes to hotel reservations for this event. We have reserved a block of guest rooms. After you have registered on-line and have received our confirmation of your delegate status, PIPSC staff will reserve a hotel guest room (Classic/ Deluxe) for you at the Hilton Lac-Leamy. Once you arrive at the hotel, you will need to leave your credit card number with the hotel upon check-in to process your room reservation. This will cover incidentals and any miscellaneous room charges which are the responsibility of each guest. The Institute will pay for the guest room (Classic/Deluxe) and taxes (only) on the master account; however, all other charges will be the responsibility of the delegate. The room rate is based on single or double occupancy. Any upgrades will require prior approval.
Due to the size of the hotel and availability there is a room block reserved for 320 people. The in person deleagte attendance will be capped at 340 with the remaining delegates attendng virtually.
Check-in time is 16:00 and check-out time is 12:00. While every effort will be made for guests to have access to their rooms when they arrive, this may not be possible and your room may not be available until 16:00. Late check-out is provided based on availability through authorization from the Front Desk. PIPSC will not be responsible for additional costs for late check-outs.
In the event of a requirement to cancel, you MUST INFORM PIPSC Staff of your change of plans. If you need to cancel your reservation, please contact the hotel directly. You are now responsible to make your own cancellations. If you do not, then you may be billed for the hotel costs directly.
Should you have to cancel your attendance on March 26th please call the hotel directly to cancel your room and leave a message for the Staff at the hotel. Do not leave a message at the Regional Office on the Council dates, as it is unlikely that Staff will be able to check messages. Failure to do so may result in you being charged directly for your accommodation and related meal costs.
Lunch on Friday, April 4th will be provided for delegates only.
Lunch on Saturday, April 5th will be provided for delegates only.
No other meals are provided. Regular travel policy provisions will apply.
PIPSC’s travel policy does not provide meals for children under the supervision of a caregiver on site.
Please do not remove food from the lunch areas or break areas back to the room, this food is provided for stewards, executives, staff, and presenters ONLY.
Any food allergies or special dietary requests must be noted on your registration form. Although we will advise the hotel of your request, you will need to advise your server during meals.
Please refer to the Family Care Policy for additional information – link -
You are responsible for your children’s meals, and cannot claim these expenses from the Institute.
Parking is free of charge to Council delegates in the above-ground lots.
Institute policy allows for compensating participants for lost salary when they use vacation leave, compensatory leave or union leave without pay for attendance at a Regional Council. Compensation is also allowed when such leave is required to travel to the Council. The participant must complete an Institute Compensatory Salary Claim form and attach a copy of a completed Employer's leave form which indicates that the leave has been approved.
Salary compensation will be limited to the required hours on Friday, plus reasonable travel time.
Reasonable travel time is defined as the amount of time that it takes to get from your home or office to the meeting location by the most direct route with no stops, with the intent on arriving at the Council for 12:00 p.m. While every effort will be made for guests to have access to their rooms when they arrive, this may not be possible and your room may not be available until 16:00.
Please respond by clicking Yes or No and completing the registration process. We look forward to your response before February 28, 2025.
This newsletter is published by Dr. Dmitry Gorodnichy - a Vice President candidate at the 2024 National PIPSC Election. To learn more about his electoral platform and related actions, please visit
Disclaimer: This newsletter does not represent the official position of The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC), nor does it reflect the opinions or positions of the PIPSC National Capital Region (NCR) Executive Board, of which Dmitry is a member following his regional election win in April 2024.