2024 PIPSC AGM: Resolutions authored and seconded by Dmitry
These resolutions aimed to address concerns raised by many members regarding issues that have yet to be addressed by the Union.
This article provides an overview of the resolutions authored (sponsored) or supported (seconded) by Dmitry for the 2024 PIPSC AGM. These resolutions were designed to tackle concerns raised by members that, for whatever reasons, the Union has not yet addressed.
None of these resolutions made it to the floor for discussion. However, thanks to the emergency motion to refer all undiscussed motions to the newly elected Board of Directors (described in the previous article), there is hope that the issues highlighted in these resolutions will now be considered and addressed.
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The image below shows the resolutions as they appeared on the Resolution Debate Order (highlighted in yellow). Additional details are provided below.
For full text of each resolution, please refer to the PIPSC website.
Resolutions authored and seconded by Dmitry are also published on his Portal.
The summaries of several of them are provided below - to give you flavour of what we tried to achieve.
P-18 - Medical Privacy and Bodily Autonomy COVID Info Campaign (E)
Sponsored by Dawn Xiao (member) | Disposition:
Be it resolved that the “Medical privacy and bodily autonomy” be added on the list of issues of importance to members on the PIPSC News & Issues page (https://pipsc.ca/news-issues) with a link to a subpage that will be created to raise the awareness about this issue (i.e., the violation of “Medical privacy and bodily autonomy” rights by the Employer) and to monitor Union’s actions on this matter. The content of this subpage can be decided with contributions from the Union executives and affected members. It will include the updates on the Mandatory Vaccination Policy Grievance that the Union filed against the Mandatory Vaccination Policy in May 2022 as well as other information that supports members in protecting their rights to medical privacy, informed consent, and bodily autonomy.
Be it also resolved that PIPSC start an information campaign within 3 months of the 2024 AGM ending, to remind members of the right to medical privacy and bodily autonomy, and right to decline medical treatment for reasons of conscience.
Be it also resolved that This campaign includes but is not limited to: information resources on the PIPSC website from 6 months of the 2024 AGM ending that remain on the PIPSC website permanently, as well as social media presence.
P-20 - Vaccination Mandate Impact Covid Survey (E)
Sponsored by Dawn Xiao (member) | Disposition:
Be it resolved that PIPSC conducts a Vaccination Mandate Impact survey using a 5 point Likert scale to assess the level of distress caused by the Vaccination Mandate and the level of satisfaction with the Union’s actions related to this Mandate. The survey results will be shared with members and used by the Union to improve support for members.
Be it resolved also that PIPSC surveys everyone who was a member at any time between September 2021 and the time of the survey related to the employer's COVID-19 vaccination mandate (and shares the results with everyone who was surveyed), conducts an additional survey, either as part of the Vaccination Mandate Impact survey mentioned above or as a separate survey, to gather further details from members who self-identified themselves as severely impacted by the Vaccination Mandate (5 out of 5 on the scale) with the objective to find statistics (including Group, Region, Department, age range, as of the start of implementation of the vaccination mandate) on:
a) who how many felt coerced,
b) who how many got placed on LWOP,
c) who how many took early retirement,
d) who how many resigned, and
e) who had what type of injury.how many were injured by the vaccine
These statistics will be also shared with members and used by the Union to improve its support for the members. All personal identifiable information obtained from this survey will be kept confidential at all times in accordance with the PIPSC Privacy Policy.
P-23 - Use of Non-Divisive Imagery on PIPSC Public-Facing Websites (E)
Sponsored by Dmitry Gorodnichy (member) | Disposition:
Whereas Through Spring and Summer 2024, PIPSC used the image of a person in mask on its website frontpage which can be perceived by certain PIPSC member demographics as promoting mask mandates and particular political messages, which are not welcomed by all members,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT PIPSC avoids using the images in its public communications that bring division among its members. This can be achieved by consulting members representing different (political, cultural, education) demographics.
P-24 - Address High Fear of Reprisal Among Professionals Working on Policies Affecting All Canadians (E)
Sponsored by Dmitry Gorodnichy (member) | Disposition:
Whereas PIPSC mandate is to provide the highest quality representation to members by “vigorously safeguarding and promoting professional standards”
Whereas PIPSC supports the largest number of professionals in Public Sector (over 70,000 members)
Whereas among all professionals that PIPSC supports there is a very small but very important group of professionals (estimated as less than 1000) who provide professional expert advice and recommendations for the medical products and policies that affect all Canadians (over 40 million people.
Whereas Canadians must be ensured that professionals who provide professional expert advice and recommendations for the medical products and policies that affect all Canadians work in environment that is free of political and industry interference, which according to PSES results and PHAC reports may not be the case.
Whereas Public Service Employment Survey (PSES) 2018, 2020, 2022 results show that the fear of reprisal in the units in the PHAC Center for Emergency Preparedness and Health Canada Marketed Health Products that develop policies related to health and life security of all Canadians is one of the highest in Public Service.
Let it be resolved that PIPSC examines the problem of very high fear of reprisal not correlated with discrimination in areas of the public service that regulate health-related products and develop health-related policies, as urgently as logistically possible, and publish its findings. This can be achieved using available resources and committees (Professional Recognition and Qualifications Committee, Science Advisory Committee, Information Technology Services and Projects Committee) using the PSES results data and PIPSC membership data.
P-25 - Transparency and update related to PIPSC Statement supporting mandatory vaccinations (E)
Sponsored by Dmitry Gorodnichy (member) | Disposition:
Be it resolved that PIPSC provides minutes and all other available documents that show who and how decided to make a Statement, which was published on October 15, 2021, supporting Mandatory Vaccination Policy, including all sources and references that were used in making the decision.
Be it further resolved that PIPSC issues a new position statement with respect to the COVID-19 vaccines that is factual, based on all available evidence related to safety, efficacy and necessity of COVID-19 vaccines as a COVID-19 infection prophylactic measure, taking into account that “evidence” obtained from the government sources may not be fully reliable as it could have been deliberately “fit” to predefined desired narrative.
L-XX - Adding “Fearless Advice” to the List of PIPSC Issues (E)
Sponsored by Dmitry Gorodnichy (member) | Disposition:
Whereas PIPSC represents a large number of public sector professionals who provide expert advice and policy recommendations impacting all Canadians;
Whereas Canadians deserve assurance that PIPSC professionals can offer expert advice and policy recommendations free from fear of reprisal or retaliation;
Whereas the Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) consistently reveals high levels of fear of reprisal among professionals in units responsible for evaluating industry products and developing health and food policies for Canadians;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT “Fearless Advice” be added to the list of issues of importance to members on the PIPSC News & Issues page (https://pipsc.ca/news-issues), with a link to a dedicated subpage created to raise awareness of this issue and report on the Union’s actions in support of fearless advice.
L-XX - Inclusion of Additional Grounds of Harassment and Discrimination in PIPSC Messaging
Sponsored by Dmitry Gorodnichy (member) | Disposition:
Whereas the current PIPSC messaging, based on the Equity Statement, addresses significant areas of harassment and discrimination but does not encompass all grounds that may affect our members. Expanding the statement to include additional grounds of discrimination—such as cultural and educational backgrounds, diverse religious beliefs, and enlightenment practices, including those of First Nations, Buddhists, and others not connected to organized religions or religious leaders, as well as differing medical treatment and prophylactic preferences—would better reflect the inclusive values of PIPSC and ensure all members feel represented and supported. This is particularly important for those experiencing harassment and discrimination on grounds not currently covered in the Equity Statement.
Whereas as a non-profit organization under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, PIPSC must comply with legislation regarding discrimination and does not have the authority to redefine or expand the legal grounds of discrimination.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT PIPSC will strive to update its messaging, where possible—including on its website, social platforms, and in spoken and written communications—to ensure that no member, regardless of their cultural or educational background, medical preferences, religious beliefs, or enlightenment practices, experiences harassment or feels discriminated against by the actions of the Union, its elected representatives, or its staff.
BE IT ALSO RESOLVED THAT PIPSC will add this issue—fair support and inclusive language for all members, regardless of cultural or educational background, religious beliefs, enlightenment practices, and medical treatment preferences—to the list of issues important to its membership. Updates on this matter can be provided through the PIPSC website’s existing “News & Issues” page, such as on the “Human Rights and Diversity” section.
BE IT ALSO RESOLVED THAT PIPSC will explore ways to update its Equity Statement to incorporate additional grounds of harassment and discrimination, in alignment with its mandate, legal obligations, and democratic processes.
L-XX - Transparency and Scrutiny Related to Non-Elected Union Positions and Union Operation (E) -
Sponsored by Dmitry Gorodnichy (member) | Disposition:
Whereas statements and actions of our Union that affect all members are made by both elected Union Executives and non-elected Union staff. Examples include recommendations to rule member-submitted resolutions as “Out of Order” at current and past AGMs, messaging on discrimination regarding grounds not listed in the Equity Statement, advising against filing grievances related to the employer's vaccination mandate for members who wished to do so.
Whereas there may be pressures exerted by non-elected Union staff, such as from the General Counsel, Chief Operations Officer, or Legal Advisors, on elected members including elected Union Executives;
Be it resolved that in order to improve member support, transparency and scrutiny in its operation : PIPSC will endeavor to establish a Proactive Disclosure page and a Freedom of Information page, similar to the approach taken by taxpayer-funded government organizations, to enable the disclosure of information that members may reasonably expect to access. This includes details on the operations of the Institute, the process for selecting non-elected Union staff, and any relevant internal communications within the Union.
Be it also resolved that All communications issued by the Union to members, including private and confidential ones, must be signed by identifying the names and titles of all individuals who wrote to or approved the communication.
Appendix: Full list of resolutions authored and supported by Dmitry
2024 AGM Resolutions - By-Laws
B-18 - Reporting of Expenditures (E)
P-18 Xiao Covid Medical Privacy and Bodily Autonomy Info Campaign
P-19 Xiao Covid Compensation for PIPSC employees who were placed on LWOP
P-20 Xiao Covid Mandate Impact Survey
P-22 - Inclusion of Additional Grounds of Discrimination in the PIPSC Equity Statement (E)
P-23 - Use of Non-Divisive Imagery on PIPSC Public-Facing Websites (E)
P-25 - Transparency and update related to PIPSC Statement supporting mandatory vaccinations (E)
L-01 - Election Transparency Improvement Across all Groups and Regions (E)
L-04 - Transparency and Scrutiny Related to Non-Elected Union Positions (E)
L-05 (formerly 2023 P-12) - Term Limits for FULL TIME Board of Directors and Groups Executives (E)
L-06 (formerly 2023 P-14) - Election Transparency Improvement (E)
L-07 (formerly 2023 P-14) - Employee Medical Treatment Ethical Refusal Protection Policy(E)
Submitted as amendments to other resolutions (not published)
L-XX - Adding “Fearless Advice” to the List of PIPSC Issues (E)
L-XX - Inclusion of Additional Grounds of Harassment and Discrimination in PIPSC Messaging
L-XX - Transparency and Scrutiny Related to Non-Elected Union Positions and Union Operation (E) -
The roots. We have to understand where the roots are. Otherwise, it's a fight against windmills ( figuratively, not literally)
Excellent Dmitry and I wish I could second this. I second that Emotion - Smokey Robinson!